xkcd mine captcha


As of my last update in September 2021, there is no specific XKCD comic titled "XKCD Mine CAPTCHA." However, I can create a fictional comic idea based on the XKCD style and humor. XKCD comics are known for their clever and witty takes on various subjects, often revolving around technology, science, and internet culture. Here's a possible concept for the "XKCD Mine CAPTCHA" comic:


Panel 1:

[The classic XKCD stick-figure character, Cueball, is sitting at a computer with a puzzled expression. He's presented with a CAPTCHA on the screen that looks like a traditional text-based CAPTCHA.]

CAPTCHA Text: "Prove you're human: Type the words you see."

Panel 2:

[As Cueball starts typing in the CAPTCHA, the screen changes to show a complex maze filled with walls and various hazards.]

CAPTCHA Text: "Oops! You've entered the XKCD Mine CAPTCHA! Find the path to prove you're human and not a robot!"

Panel 3:

[Cueball's expression changes from puzzled to determined as he starts navigating the maze with his keyboard arrow keys.]

Panel 4:

[We see Cueball's stick-figure character facing a dead-end in the maze.]

CAPTCHA Text: "You hit a dead end! Try again, humans have a knack for persistence!"

Panel 5:

[In the next attempt, Cueball finds the right path and reaches the end of the maze.]

CAPTCHA Text: "Congratulations! Humans are skilled problem solvers!"

Panel 6:

[The final panel shows Cueball successfully passing the XKCD Mine CAPTCHA.]

CAPTCHA Text: "You are now certified human! You've earned the respect of XKCD."

Alt text: "Are we sure robots can't do mazes? Let's make them solve a Rubik's Cube next."

Please note that this comic is entirely fictional and not an actual XKCD comic. The real XKCD comics are created by Randall Munroe and are often more polished and well-drawn. However, I hope this fictional concept captures the essence of XKCD's humor and style.